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Harry Anderson

Based in Bothell, Washington, USA


They say whatever you want to be when you're eleven is what you were meant to be. Well, by age eleven I was already making home-movies on my VHS camcorder. Frankly, nothing's changed. At age twenty I made my first festival short. At Age twenty-four, I graduated with a Film Degree.


An aspiring auteur, I consider myself a one-man crew. On almost every project I've produced I also made a point of being the sole creator who wrote, shot, directed and edited every aspect from conception to reception. But that doesn't mean I'm against collaboration. My most recent stint was in the automotive industry- serving as a brand voice and mastermind behind video identity. The Company I did this for was McConkey Auction Group- a wholesale private auto auction that serves as PNW Dealers from Fairbanks to Fresno.

I've also been the Head of Media for a successful Educational Youtube channel with over 30,000 organic followers.


Oh yeah. I'm also a musical artist. I love to create original scores and remix existing royalty free assets to optimize soundscapes for company videos. I have countless hours logged creating assets for all departments- HR, C-Execs, brand identifiers, in-company moral boosts and talking heads interviews with employees with no previous experience on camera! I set up the lights, I setup the camera, I write the questions, I schedule the interviews, I operate the sound, I color the footage, I stitch together the sequence,  and i fine tune the effects.

From start to finish, 

I am a one man army.

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